1. 申请时为中国常住公民(be ordinarily resident in the People’s Republic of China at the time of applying)
2. 有效护照,离境时护照效期至少余三个月(have a passport from the People’s Republic of China that is valid for at least three months after your planned departure from New Zealand)
3. 年龄在18岁到30岁之间(be at least 18 and not more than 30 years old)注:申请人实际前往新西兰时,可能已经超过30周岁
4. 不得携带子女(not bring children with you)
5. 相应的英语能力(have a level of proficiency in English that is assessed as at least functional)
6. 申请人名下有4,200新西兰元(have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available funds to meet your living costs while you are here)
7. 往返机票或足够购买往返机票的资金(hold a return ticket, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket, you must hold sufficient funds for the duration of your visit and for the purchase of an outward ticket from New Zealand, and this evidence may be requested when you arrive at the border)
8. 高中毕业(或以上)学历(have a senior high school qualification (gao zhong xue li) granted in respect of a minimum of three years’ full-time study)
9. 体检合格证明(meet our health and character requirements)
10. 购买综合医疗保险(hold medical and comprehensive hospitalisation insurance for the length of your stay)
11. 以度假为首要目的,工作或学习为辅(be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit)
12. 之前没有新西兰打工度假经历(not have been approved a visa or permit under a Working Holiday Scheme before)