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2012-04-30 13:31



【 liuxue86.com - 签证办理流程 】

A-1 Ambassador, Public Minister, Career Diplomat or Consular Officer, or Immediate Family.

A-2 Other Foreign Government Official or Employee, or Immediate Family.
A-3 Attendant, Servant, or Personal Employee of A-1 or A-2, or Immediate Family.
B-1 Temporary Visitor for Business.
B-2 Temporary Visitor for Pleasure.
B-1/B-2 Temporary Visitor for Business & Pleasure.
C-1 Alien in Transit
C-1/D Combined Transit and Crewman Visa.
C-2 Alien in Transit to United Nations Headquarters District Under Sec. 11.(3), (4), or (5) of the Headquarters Agreement.
C-3 Foreign Government Official, Immediate Family, Attendant, Servant or Personal Employee, in Transit.
D Crewmember (Sea or Air).
E-1 Treaty Trader, Spouse or Child.
E-2 Treaty Investor, Spouse or Child.
F-1 Student
F-2 Spouse or Child of F-1.
G-1 Principal Resident Representative of Recognized Foreign Government to International Organization, Staff, or Immediate Family.
G-2 Other Representative of Recognized Foreign Member Government to International Organization, or Immediate Family.
G-3 Representative of Nonrecognized Nonmember Foreign Government to International Organization, or Immediate Family.
G-4 International Organization Officer or Employee, or Immediate Family.
G-5 Attendant, Servant, or Personal Employee of G-1 through G-4 or Immediate Family.
H-1B Alien in a Specialty Occupation (Profession).
H-1C Nurse coming to areas of health professional shortage
H-2A Temporary Worker Performing Agricultural Services Unavailable In the United States (Petition filed on or After June 1, 1987).
H-2B Temporary Worker Performing Other Services Unavailable in the United States (Petition filed on or After June 1, 1987).
H-3 Trainee
H-4 Spouse or Child of Alien Classified H-1A/B, H-2A/B, or H-3.
I Representative of Foreign Information Media, Spouse and Child.
J-1 Exchange Visitor
J-2 Spouse or Child of J-1.
K-1 Fiance(e) of United States Citizen.
K-2 Child of Fiance(e) of U.S. Citizen.
L-1 Intracompany Transferee (Executive, Managerial, and Specialized Knowledge Personnel Continuing Employment with International Firm or Corporation.
L-2 Spouse or Child of Intracompany Transferee.
M-1 Vocational Student or Other Nonacademic Student.
M-2 Spouse or Child of M-1.
N-8 Parent of an Alien Classified SK-3 Special Immigrant.
N-9 Child of N-8 or of an SK-1, SK-2, or SK-4 Special Immigrant.
NATO-1 Principal Permanent Representative of Member State to NATO (including any of its Subsidiary Bodies) Resident in the U.S. and Resident Members of Official Staff; Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, and Executive Secretary of NATO; Other Permanent NATO Officials of Similar Rank, or Immediate Family.
NATO-2 Other Representative of member state to NATO (including any of Subsidiary Bodies) including Representatives, its Advisers and Technical Experts of Delegations, Members of Immediate Art. 3, 4 UST 1796 Family; Dependents of Member of a Force Entering in Accordance with the Provisions Status-of-Forces Agreement or in Accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters; Members of Such a Force if Issued Visas.

NATO-3 Official Clerical Staff Accompanying Representative of Member State to NATO (including any of its Subsidiary Bodies) or Immediate Family.
NATO-4 Official of NATO (Other Than Those Classifiable as NATO-1) or Immediate Family.
NATO-5 Expert, Other Than NATO Officials Classifiable Under the NATO-4, Employed in Missions on Behalf of NATO, and their Dependents.
NATO-6 Member of a Civilian Component Accompanying a Force Entering in Accordance with the Provisions of the NATO Status-of-Forces Agreement; Member of a Civilian Component Attached to or Employed by an Allied Headquarters Under the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters Set Up Pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty; and their Dependents.
NATO-7 Attendant, Servant, or Personal Employee of NATO-1, NATO-2, NATO-3, NATO-4, NATO- 5, and NATO-6 Classes, or Immediate Family.
O-1 Alien with Extraordinary Ability in Sciences, Arts, Education, Business or Athletics.
O-2 Accompanying Alien
O-3 Spouse or Child of O-1 or O-2.
P-1 Internationally Recognized Athlete or Member of Internationally Recognized Entertainment Group.
P-2 Artist or Entertainer in a Reciprocal Exchange Program.
P-3 Artist or Entertainer in a Culturally Unique Program.
P-4 Spouse or Child of P-1, P-2, or P-3.
Q-1 Participant in an International Cultural Exchange Program.
R-1 Alien in a Religious Occupation.
R-2 Spouse or Child of R-1.
S-5 Certain Aliens Supplying Critical Information Relating to a Criminal Organization or Enterprise.
S-6 Certain Aliens Supplying Critical Information Relating to Terrorism.
S-7 Qualified Family Member of S-5 or S-6.
TN NAFTA Professional
TD Spouse or Child of NAFTA Professional

  想了解更多签证办理流程网的资讯,请访问: 西藏签证办理流程



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