去美国留学,签证是必须的东西,而在申请美国留学签证的时候,是被要求面签的,也就是面试,那么美国留学签证申请面签的时候都会问些什么 呢?且看本文86留学网专家为大家带来详细介绍,希望对大家有帮助。
1) What will you study in the United States? (你将在美国学习什么?)
2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?(你的专业是什么?你准备修什么方面的专业?)
3) What will you do in USA? / Are you going to study in USA?(你准备在美国做什么?/你准备在美国学习吗?)
4)Why not continue your studies in China?(为什么你不继续在中国学习呢?也可以从为什么要去美国学习的原因着手。)
5) How long will you study in USA? (你将在美国学习多久?)
6) Have you received any scholarship?(你拿到什么奖学金吗?)
7) What is your purpose for the visa? (你的签证目的是什么)
8) What is your academic background? (你的学术背景是什么)
9) How do you know XXX University.? (你怎么知道XXX大学的?)
10) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? (你有什么计划?毕业后准备做什么?)
11) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China if you will? (给我三个你会回中国的理由)
12) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back? (你能解释为什么90%的中国学生都不回国吗?)
13) Why do you chooseXXX University? (你为什么选择XXX大学)
14) Why do you like your major? (你为什么喜欢你的专业)
15) Why do you want to study in USA? (你为什么想在美国学习)
16) What is the most difficult class do you have? (你觉得什么课程比较困难?)