Do I need a visa to study?
You do not need a visa to study at Cambridge if you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. The countries in the EEA are:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
If you are a national of any other country, you will need to obtain a visa before you can study at Cambridge.
What type of visa do I need?
It is important to ensure you have the correct visa which permits study in the UK. The type of visa you require depends on the type of course you are coming to study:
If you are coming for a course or period of study that is for less than six months, you may be able to come as a Short term student.
If you are coming to study a course that is longer than 6 months, you should apply for a ‘Tier 4 (General) Student’ Visa. The only exceptions to this are students with a Chevening Scholarship or Fellowship, a British Marshall Scholarship, a Fulbright Scholarship or a Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan who should apply under visa subtype ‘Tier 4 (Scholarship)’
If you already have UK immigration permission under a different visa type you may be able to study on that visa without needing to apply under Tier 4. You will have to provide evidence of this permission before starting your course.
If you are attending a pre-sessional course, such as the English for Academic Purposes programme, you will need to take extra precautions to ensure they have the correct visa before the pre-sessional course begins. If you cannot present a valid visa for study purposes upon arrival at Cambridge, you will not be permitted to start the pre-sessional course.
If you are entering the UK for the purpose of study, a standard visitor visa will not allow you to undertake this study at Cambridge.
首先,我们要先了解申请Tier4学生签证(General )
在英国续签会有很多种签证形式,其中Tier 4 签证会以学生的年龄作为划分, 如果你是16岁以上的学生(16岁以下需要申请Tier 4(Child)),对于需要在英国申请续签的学生,则需要办理Tier 4 (General)Visa。对于申请T4 Visa 的人群需要满足以下条件:首先你要有在英国学校读书的资格,其次是有足够的英文能力和资金能力。
面临续签,需在原有签证期限结束前办理是毋庸置疑的,但是在对申请的准确时间的拿捏也是相当重要的。对于办理学生签证续签时间则需要再原有签证结束前的3个月内申请,或只是在你的CAS (Confirmations of Acceptance for Studies) 下来之后的6个月内办理。如果是由其他签证形式转成学生签证,你则需要在现有的签证结束前申请。
申请Tier4学生签证 Visa 申请条件
条件1: 拥有有国际学生资质的英国大学的无条件录取通知书以及合格的英语成绩。只有学校提供的CAS( Confirmations of Acceptance for Studies- 入学证明)才可以用来办理学生签证。这是一份无论在英国办理续签还是在国内申请签证都很重要的一份文件。
条件2: 能够证明你有足够的资金来支持你在英国的学习。银行账户里需要有足够的存款,如果是伦敦市内学生申请则需 9180 磅 + 学费,非伦敦城市则需 7380 磅 + 学费。
1. CAS Letter, 需要CAS 上面的 Reference Number.
2.需提供申请CAS 时所递交的一切材料,毕业或结业证书或成绩单。
3. 银行存款证明,如已交给学校一部分学费,则会在CAS Letter 上面有所显示。如未有显示,则需提供已交学费的收据证明原件。
4. 有效护照
5. 45mm?35mm彩色证件照。(不允许戴太阳眼镜,帽子和头巾,要露出双耳。不能有过多面部表情,不要张嘴和露齿。 头像高度(从下巴到头顶)至少要29mm ,北京颜色为白色或者浅灰色。
6. 续签申请表需填写完整
7.申请Tier 4 需要多少钱?如在英国境外申请费用为310英镑,在英国续签寄签422英镑,面签则需822英镑。